I'm Valentin Zeller, developer and video game enthusiast, fan of computers and new technologies in general. I'm also a fan of everything related to Tolkien's Legendarium, Disney's movies and animated series, Studio Ghibli's movies, movies and games soundtracks, Electro music and mythology.
I have been playing video games since I was 6 years old, very interested in the possibilities of interactivity. I then plunged into this very rich universe and became passionate to the point of following more closely the creation of games, with the different jobs involved, the difficulties encountered, the technologies used, to the point where I decided to make it my profession.
During the last few years, I have learned to program in C/C++/C#, to use Unity and Unreal Engine, to do web development in HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP/MySQL as well as to do Game Design.